Stunning Theodore Roosevelt NPS & More in ND

Drive Across North Dakota We continued our drive across North Dakota and made our way to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Medora. Our Minnesota friends were meeting us there because we had tickets...

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Moochdocking: It’s Free!

We finally arrived in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota to spend a few days with our dear friends.  We were all in the Air Force together and hadn’t really seen each other in quite a few years.  This...

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Best Tips to Cross the Border

Our 5 day, 1,500-mile journey through Canada continued from Quebec to Ontario and then across the border back to the USA.  We stopped for an overnight in Kinburn, Ontario and after setting up the trailer...

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Visit Quebec From Maine: What to See!

Before we headed from Maine to Quebec, we had one last week in Maine and a huge family event.  It was the Austin Family Reunion and Suzannah's parents were hosting it.  Nearly 70 family members came...

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Exploring the Great Outdoors in the White Mountains

While in Maine, we took a vacation to explore the great outdoors in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. It was Suzannah's birthday weekend and she wanted her family to see all the sites she'd...

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Top Lessons for RV Newbies

Guess what?  We have officially been on the road for 6 months!!  We've made a lot of mistakes during that time and we want to share our lessons for RV newbies.  A full-time RV lifestyle has...

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Fun on the Lake, History & Maine Lobster Rolls

We are finally home!! Well, Suzannah's home at least. And now Chris's and Corbin's too. Suzannah is from a small town in Maine called Monmouth and her folks have a nice home on a lake.  There's always something...

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Take the Bad with the Good

Don't judge a book by its cover.  Pretty famous saying with a good lesson.  We learned this the hard way.  After our stop at Hershey, Pennsylvania, we had one more overnight before we arrived in New Hampshire...

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Do You Love Chocolate? Check Out Hershey Park!

Suzannah loves chocolate and where is the best place to get chocolate? Hershey, Pennsylvania.  Hershey had been on our bucket list for a long time and we were finally going to the sweetest town on...

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Experience Luray!

When we first moved from Japan to Mississippi, Suzannah’s mom and aunt drove down from New England to visit.  They talked about how they stopped at the Luray Caverns in Virginia and really enjoyed it.  We...

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